General information

College of Nyíregyháza
Institute of Training and Further Training

4400 Nyíregyháza, Sóstói út 31/b
B building romm 137
tel.: +36 42/599-421
New language program <new!>
Training ang Further Training Center of
College of Nyiregyhaza starting new language
training in hungarian. Start on this summer.
Write a mail: or call us now!
Our phone number +36 42/599-421.

The College of Nyíregyháza
Institute of Training and Further Training

The Institute of Training and Further Training of the College of Nyíregyháza was established in 1997 in order to coordinate growing demand on further trainings and trainings without certificate. The Institution was accredited in 2003 pursuant to the Adult Education Law.
For today the Institution is qualified to run more than thirty secondary and superior professional trainings and the result is more than a thousand successful students finished the semester. Our most popular trainings are: journalist, educational organizer, pr co-worker, marketing and advertisement manager, chartered accountant, custom assistant, computer code writer and the multimedia developer.
For more than two years we have been running language school as well. We shoulder the trainings for language exams in English, French, German, Romany, Esperanto, Russian and Italian, just to name a few. Our sign language course is about the communication with disabled.

Those who would like to study in the higher education can choose from our intensive entrance exam preparatory courses start in every semester. The courses deal with Hungarian language and grammar, history, social studies, mathematics, informatics, biology, English, German, drawing, social pedagogy and physical education.
Beside these we have full-time technical trainings: operator, marketing and advertisement manager, multimedia developer and travel manager.
We also organize educator further trainings, over 40 are accredited.
At last but not at least we also take part in writing and managing international and domestic competition.
We are looking forward helping you in the Room No. 1 ground floor of the College of Nyíregyháza (Sóstói út 31/b) or you can phone us +36 42 599421 or the email us: or you can find us on the internet:


Our colleagues

Dr. István Jeney
institute leader

The leader of the Institute of Training and Further Training, the member of the Literature Department . His majors are Hungarian, history and Italian.
> website
> e-mail:

Krisztina Késmárki
office leader, adult education desk

Graduated form the BGYTF (later the College of Nyíregyháza) majoring in Hungarian and cultural manager in 1995, received master degree in 1999 in the JPTE in Cultural and Adult Education Manager faculty.
> e-mail:

Tamás Béres

He deals with the marketing and PR matters of the ITFT. He is also the editor of the ITFT's website, and the night editor of the College Mirror. Graduated from the College of Nyíregyháza in 2001, majoring Hungarian and cultural manager. From 2001 he is the student of the University of Debrecen, majoring sociology.
> e-mail:

Zita Drenyoszki
> e-mail:

Élesné, Zsuzsanna Asztalos

Graduated form the BGYTF (later the College of Nyíregyháza) in 1996. majoring mathematics and drawing. In 2002 she received her operator certificate.
In the institution her job is administrating the educator further trainings and foreign competitions and does public-opinion researches.
> e-mail:

Attila Grexa
economist clerk

Graduted form the College of Nyíregyháza in 2001, majoring in economy. In 2003 he received his chartered accountant certificate. His job in the institute is managing further trainings related to civil organizations and also manages the financial matters of the institution.
> e-mail: