Modules organized for secondary school teachers

Module 3

The structure and operation of the EU

Teacher responsible for the module: Dr. Ibolya Rozgonyi College Professor, CSc
Contents of the module: As part of the module the history of the European integration from Maastricht to the present dey is described in the form of lectures. The five basic treaties providing for the legal foundations of the Union are discussed, as well as the three basic treaties leading to the emergence of the community (European Steel and Coal Community, EEC and EURATOM). The Treaty of Maastricht, the Court of Europe, and the principle of subsidiarity are all subject to our studies. The headquarters of the intsitutions of the EU, the official languages, citizenship, the turns is presidency are all included in the observations students make during their studies. Our students learn about the Council of Europe, the Commission and the European Parliament.

Module 4

EU Information sources
Responsible: Dr. Ágnes Sz. Szabolcsi, Department Head
As part of the module, In the form of practical training students shall learn about the basics of information technology and information systems; the legal (financial, educational and entrepreneurial) information sources. Students are introduced into the domestic and European printed and electronic information sources.

Module 5

European cultura — Hungarian culture

Responsible: Dr. József N. Szabó Head of Department, college professor CSc
Contents of the module: Hungary’s cultural connections with other European countries between 1945 and 1990. Hungary’s cultural connections with other countries in the period after WW II are discussed in detail, especially with those with France, Italy, Sweden and Austria from 1945 to 1948. Hungary’s connections with other countries in music and fine arts in the same period are also included in the module. Students deal with the effects of the cold war on international cultural relations, Hungarian-French and Hungarian-Italian cultural relations after the détente, from the 1960s until the present day, Hungarian-German relations after the emergence of Germany’s Ostpolitik, the Hungarian-British connections from the 1960s to the change of the political system in Hungary, and Hungary’s cobnnections with Finnland between 1960 and 1990. The effects of the change of the political system on international cultural and scientific connections are also subject of the course, as well as the Hungarian cultural diplomacy’s efforts to prepare for the European accession.

Module 6

Sustainable development and economy

Responsible: Dr. Ferenc Kiss, Head of Department, college professor PhD
The contents of the module: The lectures deal with the foundations of environment studies and ecology, food processing and agriculture, energy utilization, environment pollution, the treatment of hazardous waste and environmental law.