Dr. József N. Szabó, Ph.D. in politics, has discussed the cultural connections between Hungary and the rest of the European countries in several studies.


Research by Professors and Other Training Staff

lst Research Topic

1st research topic: European Culture - Hungarian Culture [Hungary's relation

to the culture of the major EU member states after



2.1. 2.   1'articipatiry Rrgf~~.s.sors-~re.searcher.s:

Name, position, academic degree

Dr. József N. Szabó (C.Sc.)

Head of Department, Ph.D. in politics, research project

Dr. László Barabás (Dr. Univ.) Head of Department

Zsuzsa Kovács

junior college lecturer

Dr. Lajos András Kiss (C.Sc.) college lecturer, Ph.D.

Dr. Valéria Révay (Ph.D.)

college lecturer, Ph.D. in Hungarian linguistics Dr. József Pankovics

colle~Te lecturer, Ph.D. in history

bead of the

Field of research cultural diplomacy after WWII, cultural history

German-Hungarian relations

cultural diplomacy

history of philosophy

Finn-Hungarian relations

Italian-Hungarian relations

2.1.3.   A Brief 1)c.scriptiom of thc Re.scarch Topit

The research is intended to find out how Hungarian culture has been connected to European culture since the time when the idea of the unity of Europe emerged, and what the Hungarian endeavours are to connect our culture to that of the major member states of the EU. As part of the project we intend to reveal the history of Hungarian-French, HungarianAustrian, Hungarian-German, Hungarian-British, Hungarian-Swedish, Hungarian-Italian and Hungarian-Finn connections. We would like to show the democratic Hungary of 1945 made efforts to establish cultural and scientific relations with France, Austria, Germany, Switzerland. Great Britain, Sweden, Italy and Finland. Efforts shall be made to show the relations of the various fields of Hungarian culture, science and philosophy to the mainstream of European science, literature, arts and music.

Hungary joined the community of democratic nations right after the war. A major objective of the research project is revealin`~ the changes in the orientation of cultural diplomacy of Hungaryy after the conununist takeover and durrog the Cold War. It will be made