Research topic I

E U R O P E A N  C U L T U R E — H U N G A R I A N   C U L T U R E

Hungary’s relationship to the culture of the most important countries of the az European Union after World War II  (1945–1981)

      The research seeks an answer to the question as to how Hungarian culture has been connected to European culture since the time when the idea of a European Union first appeared, and what connections Hungarian culture endeavours to establish with the leading nations of the EU. In the course of our research we wish to reveal the history of Hungary’s connections with France, Austria, Germany, England, Sweden, Italy and Finland. We intend to show what efforts Hungary, with its new democratic system, made in 1945 to establish cultural and scientific links with France, Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Italy and Finland. We study the relationships of the various fields of Hungarian culture, science and philosophy to mainstream European culture, science, and also arts, music and literature.
        An important objective of the research programme is to show what changes took place in Hungary’s cultural diplomacy after the Communists came into power and the cold war began. It is shown that Hungary’s cultural orientation became unilateral, and the country suspended her cultural relations with the western world for almost two decades.       

Hungarian culture has deep European roots, and did not cease to be European even during the years of the cold war. We also wish to analyze the connections of Hungarian culture to the rest of Europe in the first period of the détente.       

In spite of the short period of time that has elapsed since the change of the political system, we intend to deal with cultural and scientific connections between Hungary and the rest of Europe since the change of the political system in Hungary.

Academic staff participating in the research
